Photo Gallery




Visitors from abroad at Alamdar Seeds production plot at Nagalpur, Anjar.

Mr. A.H. Bhimani, owner of Alamdar Seeds Private Limited discussing about salient features of Almdar-51 lucerne with visitors from abroad.


Alamdar Seeds Private Limited staff member observing the lucerne seed production plot.

Lucerne Alamdar-1 seed production plot in flowering stage.

Mr. A.H. Bhimani observing the lucerne seed production plot.


Mr. A.H. Bhimani along with forage scientists observing the persistency of lucerne Alamdar-51.

Forage scientists from ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi and Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand observing the Rhizobium nodules in Lucerne Alamdar-51.



Luxuriant crop growth of lucerne variety Alamdar-51.

Various sizes of seed packing of Alamdar seed brand.

The field view of Lucerne Alamdar-51.


QRT interacting with farmers along with Mr. Mohd. Riyaz, Alamdar Seeds private Limited.

Uniform Lucerne Alamdra-51 seed production plot of Alamdar Seeds Private Limited at Nagalpur.

QRT observing the Lucerne Alamdar-1 seed production plot in Anjar.

QRT interacting with seed producing farmer and Mr. Mohd. Riyaj from Alamdar Seeds Pvt. Ltd. The field view of Lucerne Alamdar-1 QRT interacting with Lucerne growing farmers and Mr. Mohammed Riyaz Bhimani at Alamdar Seeds Pvt. Ltd. - Nagalpur, Kutch.

QRT members with Farmer Mr. Rasubha Karsanji, at Alamdar Seeds Pvt. Ltd. seed production field at village Khambhara, Kutch. The field view of Lucerne Alamdar-51. QRT interacting with Mr. Mohammed Riyaz Bhimani and Mr. Zahid Husain Bhimani at Alamdar Seeds Pvt. Ltd. Research farm, Nagalpur.
Director IGFRI, Jhansi visiting Alamdar seed production plots at Nagalpur along with QRT members. QRT members at Alamdar Seeds Pvt. Ltd. Lucerne field with farmer Mr. Naran Arjan Kara at Nagalpur, Anjar QRT members and Scientists at Alamdar Seeds Pvt. Ltd. Field visit with farmers.